Our mission is to partner with you to connect your kids to God, His church and His world.
GraceKids is a great place for your child to learn, experience, and grow in God’s word in a kid-friendly environment.
Check out GraceKids (6 months-5th grade) on Sunday mornings at either our 9:15am or 10:45 am services!
Register ahead of time below
You will see our GraceKids check-in area just inside the main entrance. Our check-in team will meet your family, check your child into our security system, and then one of our team members will lead you and your child to their age-appropriate room.
At check-in we will ask for the following personal information: family member’s names, children’s names and birthdates, family address, phone number, and any special instructions for your child. (NOTE: we value your privacy and will not share your information with anyone.)
Upon check-in, you will receive a set of stickers with a family identification number for you and your child. When service concludes, you can pick up your child at their classroom by presenting your matching sticker. No child is released unless the matching identification sticker is presented.
Shortly after services begin the doors are locked down for safety.
Security ID tags are provided for parents/guardians, nametags are provided for all children, registration forms have any vital information, and check-in and check-out procedures are enforced.
Screening for all GraceKids volunteers includes a criminal background check, training, and interviews by the Children’s Director.
In the event that GraceKids staff need to contact a parent, the teacher or children’s director will message or text you so please keep your phone close to you.
To check out a child, come to the GraceKids check-in area and a staff member will bring your child. You will need an ID tag that matches the child in order to pick him or her up.
For our smallest treasures, there is a cry room located next to the fireplace in the foyer that parents are free to use. This room houses several toys that children can play with, a diaper changing station, and a comfy spot for mothers to nurse.
For your convenience, there is also a tv with the service playing for you to watch. This room allows you to tend to your baby’s needs without missing any of the services.
As soon as your child turns 6 months old, they are welcome to come into our GraceKids environment to be cared for. We have an incredible space catered to the needs and desires of an infant. In the 6 -17 month environment your child will be well taken care of and shown the love of Jesus while you are able to participate in the adult worship service.
When a child turns 18 months old, we invite them to come to our early childhood ministry here at Grace. This ministry is catered to the specific needs and interests of a preschool/kindergarten child. This environment is a place where a child can come and learn about Jesus in a way that is most relevant to them. Here they sing high energy worship songs, they participate in fun activities, and they hear an awesome bible story.
Preschoolers may be small, but if they don’t learn to grow and do the things God created them to do, the whole church suffers. That is why we believe it is so important to teach them about God’s love and their place in His kingdom at this early age.
Through our curriculum, GO! Curriculum, we are fully committed to teaching the truths of the Bible. We believe in the power and authority of Scripture even for our littlest ones.
We believe the Bible should never be boring, worship can be really loud, and good leaders always care.
The Elementary environment is designed to engage children from 1st- 5th grade. Our mission is to partner with parents and lead kids to become fully devoted followers of Christ. Every weekend, your children come they will experience dynamic worship and a chronological teaching of the Bible through our GO! Curriculum. Much of their time is spent in a Small Group with a consistent leader and interaction with kids their age. Together, they learn how to have a relationship with Jesus, how to apply the Bible to their lives, and have fun developing friendships with each other.
We also have regular volunteer positions available that need filled!
If you know someone who may be interested in serving in any of these roles, click the button below and I will be in touch to talk with you or them about the options!
Responsibilities include showing up 5 minutes before the service lets out at either 9:15 or 10:45 service and collect all kid and adult stickers as they exit the GraceKids area.Description text goes here
We always have a need to add to our substitute small group teaching team. Sometimes our regular, weekly teachers need a break or go on vacation! This role involves leading activities, prayer, relationship-building, and diving deeper into the large group lessons of that week. It comes with a script and all supplies are provided! Description text goes here
Our nursery currently serves children ages 6 months-17 months old. We are always looking for people to add to this amazing team of people. You get to show the love of Jesus to babies through holding them, playing with them, reading to them, and just repeating simple biblical truths to them. Then you can pray over them as well before handing them back to their parents. Don’t underestimate how special and powerful this all is!
Have you ever seen the stage designs in GraceKids for each unit? There is a team of people who come and put that together! If you are creative and/or just love to do crafty projects, this is a role for you!
While this role is technically part of the Serve Team now, it still has GraceKids involvement! In this role, you have the pleasure of being one of the first faces that many of our brand new families see. You would walk them through the registration process, answer some questions that they might have, and introduce them to their child’s teachers for the first time.
If you or someone you know are interested in learning more, please reach out to me or Amee Liptak (aliptak@connectatgrace.org) and we would love to walk you through that process or answer an questions you may have.
Just because you don’t see something listed here, doesn’t mean there isn’t a place for you to serve. The role that fits you and your gifts may not have been created yet! Just reach out and let’s talk about where we can get you plugged in and maybe you’ll even start a new volunteer role that we haven’t yet thought of!